Gamma–, beta- and alpha- spectrometer–radiometer TRIO

  • Спектрометр - радиометр гамма-, бета- и альфа - излучения TRIO


Spectrometer – radiometer of gamma-beta and alpha radiation TRIO is designed to measure the energy distribution of gamma and beta radiation, as well as to measure the activity of gamma, beta and alpha – emitting radionuclides in samples of environmental objects.

TRIO Alpha- Beta- Gamma- spectrometer- radiometer
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    TRIO is used to measure:
  • activity (specific and volumetric activity) of natural radionuclides (for example 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 222Rn);
  • activity (specific, volumetric activity) of technogenic radionuclides 137Cs, 134Cs, 90Sr, 60Co, 54Co and etc.;
  • summary alpha- and beta- activity in water;
  • volumetric activity of 222Rn indoors;
  • flux density of 222Rn from ground and building structures;
  • surface activity of fresh and old radionuclide contamination.



  • High efficiency of radiation detection
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Intuitive and user-friendly software


  • Ability to manage several channels simultaneously
  • Free to choose channels of your interest depending on application
  • Easy extension of channel quantity


  • Compact size of each chamber
  • 100% remote control of the spectrometer TRIO via software package


Detector type
gamma- channel: NaI(Tl)
beta- channel: Polystyrene
alpha- channel: ZnS(Ag)
Energy range, keV
– for gamma radiation: 40 – 3000
– for beta radiation: 65 – 4000
– for alpha radiation: 1500 – 10000
Measurement range of radionuclide activity, Bq:
137Cs: 5 – 8·105
90Sr: 2 – 1,2·106
90Sr-90Y in a subtle source: 1 – 1,5·105
239Pu in a subtle source:0,05 – 1,5·105
Limits of permissible relative error of activity measurements, %:
Relative energy resolution on the line 661,7 keV, measuring with radionuclide source 137Cs, %:
Integral nonlinearity in the gamma energy range from 40 to 3000 keV, %:
< 1
Maximum throughput, cps:
Operation conditions
– ambient air temperature, С: from + 10°С to +40°С
– relative air humidity, %: up to 80
– atmospheric pressure in the range of, kPa: from 84 to 106,7
– intensity of magnetic fields of the permanent and variable grid frequencies, А/m: up to 40

Complete set

  • Multichannel analyzer
  • Spectrometric gamma detection units based on NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl) or LaBr3(Ce) crystal
  • Spectrometric or radiometric detection units for beta radiation based on a plastic scintillator (Polystyrene)
  • Spectrometric alpha detection units based on silicon (Si)
  • Radiometric detection units for alpha radiation based on ZnS(Ag) crystal
  • Vacuum chamber and air extraction system
  • Lead shielding with stable platform
  • Analytical software package